The Lake Towns Geographic Location in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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The Lake Towns

Founded as a commune by peace-loving gypsy riff raff, The Lake Towns existence continues to baffle other countries. Considering the proximity to the Greyhammer Peaks, which are rife with terrible beasts that come down from the mountains to raid. The Lake Towns are infamous for many reasons, one of which is the farming of Flayleaf, a smokable drug that has taken hold in the western hemisphere. A dozen separate towns exist, each built along the massive lake, with farm fields extending around each of them. The citizens of the Lake Towns are pacifists, and frequently ask for aid from the Kingdom of Freebridge (which greatly annoys the Kingdom). The Lake Towns usually pay for the services of the Kingdom by sending massive shipments of vegetables. More frequently though, they enlist the aid of adventurers that are passing through on their way north or south through the Garden Expanse. Although they are peaceful, they are not without faults. The people are notorious swindlers, thieves and smugglers.
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