The Backstreet Brawlers Organization in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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The Backstreet Brawlers

Without a doubt the most violent gang of Standholme. The Backstreet Brawlers are comprised mostly of young lower class young men and women who are looking for trouble and quick coin, they love to start street fights in broad daylight, and have battled their rival gang The Clips for territory before. Led by Borris the Blade, it was discovered that this man was former Inquisitor, which are known as ‘The Fallen’. He was killed by Brom, and Roo in the Standholme brothel called The Maiden, the workplace of The Maidens, while the rest of the group battled the thugs in 1632. Borris is also the one who severed multiple fingers from the hand of Cale Rosenoak not long before his death.   In 1672, the Backstreet Brawlers joined forces with the Countess of Standholme during her last stand during the battle against the White Rabbits.
Founding Date
Illicit, Gang
Alternative Names
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Related Ethnicities

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