Ramblers Rock Settlement in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Ramblers Rock

Situated just east of Freebridge. It was established as a refuge for Freebridge residents who no longer wished to deal with politics of the capitol. It was also designed to provide living conditions that avoided the claustrophobic feeling of Freebridge's crowded streets. Ramblers Rock has now become a refuge for those who couldn’t make it in Freebridge. Some nobles and merchants attempted to drive out the residents either out of the city or onto the streets as they tried to tear down community housing to build new homes for the upper class. However, in 1551, the citizens rebelled and petitioned the King to stop the nobles, which he did. While the image may not be what the residents’ desire, they find it comforting to help their fellow humans, and any race for that matter. To provide some type of job for the truly poor, the wealthiest of Ramblers Rock have been establishing trading companies. Unfortunately, brigands that have been born in the poor areas of Ramblers Rock, have attempted to stop these companies from forming as a way of “getting back” at the rich of Freebridge.
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