Irathmail Settlement in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Irathmail is a busy city residing on the shores of Green Bay, southeast Hollymount. It’s studded with many docks and is known to produce the best fish and lobster. While open to anyone, Irathmail is primarily a merchant town that uses the marketplace as its primary outlet for selling, buying, and trading goods. The use of the marketplace means those within Irathmail are free to concentrate on their own business while traders bring the goods to and from the marketplace outside of town.   An extensive amount of land dedicated to farming and ranching, which supports Irathmail. The bulk of the farming land is enclosed within a far-stretching palisade, though some of the farmland has spilled outside it. A large group of watchmen patrol this area all day and night, but even they are frequent victims of attacks from Orcs and coastal creatures that result in death. Due to the richness of the land, however, the money from the markets far exceeds the dangerous cost of farming. Irathmail is rich with job opportunities. Those without work often travel there to replace those who fell victim to an attack, continue swelling the area’s farmland, or work for one of the business that support the market activities. Although none of these jobs will make anyone wealthy, they are the easiest to come by and serve to harden a great explorer before he ventures back off on his or her journeys.

Industry & Trade

Fishing, agriculture


Constructed in -228
Large city
Location under

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