Embrylin Plains Geographic Location in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Embrylin Plains

The plains are a massive stretch of flat grasslands and prairies. During the winter its cool and wet, during the summer its scorching hot and dry. All manner of savannas dwelling animals and creatures roam the flat lands in search of water and food. Travel through the Embrylin Plains is a life altering experience. Anyone who has traveled through it has at least one story of how they came close to dehydration, starvation, or death by a wild animals such as a lion pride. The plains themselves are under no control by any country and many settlers have moved in to enjoy a life far away from the trivial matters within faraway cities. With that much freedom come nefarious folks as well, most of these characters are poachers who make a good living trapping exotic animals, which they sell in foreign black markets such as the Crista Islands or Akatar. In the early spring, the low lying lands are filled with fresh water, but in summer they are dried basins and water is scarce. One could travel for a hundred miles without a sight of water. It isn't uncommon for travelers to come across lone skeletons, baking underneath an acacia trees.

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