Eagles Landing Bar and Inn Building / Landmark in World of Mythris | World Anvil
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Eagles Landing Bar and Inn

Sounds of laughter can be heard blocks away, the tapping of drums and feet on floor, with the unison sounds of singing is loud as a dragons roar. The marble structure seems more lit up than two suns, people can be seen through the windows locking arms and swinging about. The Eagles Landing is four stories high, with dozens of available rooms, drinking and games. Its filled with people of all races and ages. The first floor is for dancing and drinking, while the second is for quiet drinking and relaxation. The third is for tavern games, and the last floor are forty available rooms for rent. The inside is decorated with original paintings and tapestries, of heroes and battles of old. The Eagles landing has always had a mascot named Roc, a massive Harpy Eagle, his ancestors have lived in the landing for almost two hundred years.


  • Eagles Landing
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