The Desert Geographic Location in World of Gods | World Anvil
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The Desert

A desert in the center of South Belahir.  It is the largest desert in the Universe.


The former landscape with large hills and mountains dotted between the hills has been whittled down to large slowly shifting sand dunes.

Fauna & Flora

Cacti, desert wildflowers, gophers, mice, hawks, eagles, foxes.

Natural Resources

sand and rock from the ground.  Meat from the various small creatures.


This area was once a lush and verdant area of Belahir.  However, the largest and most powerful city in the area was targeted by an Insatiable Dragon.  This city was so powerful due to a natural wonder it was located on that the desert the Insatiable Dragon created enveloped a large portion of the continent.
Alternative Name(s)
Sand Plane
Location under
Owning Organization

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