Palace of Fire Building / Landmark in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Palace of Fire

A palace made of obsidian clinging to the side of the largest volcano in the Lava Barren with fire springing from the parapets.  Usually obscured by the smoke and ash in the air, it stretches high, a sprawling complex that can take 12 minutes to walk from one side to the other, and with at least two adult Fire Dragons circling it, a show of strength and protection.  While in the palace, Fex and her guests are waited on hand and foot by her servants, which includes one immensely powerful butler, a host of other Fire Elementals, and a few pet Fire Dragons.

Purpose / Function

It was created as a home for Fex in the World of Mortals.


The architecture largely follows the natural cleavage of the obsidian, but otherwise has many arches, windows, and parapets.


It was created by Fex.
Alternative Names
Fex's Palace, The Obsidian Palace, The Black Palace, Palace of Dragons
Parent Location

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