Frozen Ocean Geographic Location in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Frozen Ocean

An area of ocean on one side of the World of Mortals that is covered by a thick layer of ice.  Home to the Winter Tribes, it is the second least hospitable place in the world for natural life, second only to the The Forgotten Continent.  Nobody wants it, so everybody has allowed the Winter Tribes  to own it, even though they have been to barely a third of the area.


The surface of the ice is coated with a thick layer of snow, usually about 10 feet deep.  This snow can cover deep fissures in the ice.  The movement of the ice causes these cracks to form, and can also, in places with strong currents, create constantly shifting interlocking caves of ice fissures, and where there once were those currents, a series of natural ice caverns.  The top of the ice has natural hills where there has been more snow fall, but further to the edges there are cliffs where some ice fell off in chunks, then refroze to the ice sheet.  The ocean floor in some places rubs up on the ice, and in some places dives deep into unexplored territory.

Fauna & Flora

There are no natural animals or plants that live on or in the ice, although there are many in the static waters beneath it.

Natural Resources

Ice from the ice sheet, snow from the ice sheet, fresh water from the ocean.
Alternative Name(s)
North and South Frozen Ocean
Location under
Owning Organization

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