Destroyer Dragon Species in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Destroyer Dragon

A species of Dragon designed to be the embodiment of destruction. They were set loose shortly after the creation of dragons during the Universal War as an embodiment of destruction. Their breaths are currents of pure force, their talons wings and claws renowned to be able to break through buildings. Fire Dragons are an offshoot of them, which were created at the same time as fire. If they accept help in destroying something they will transform into a Black Dragon.

Basic Information


They are large and muscular, designed to be the Dragon species with the most raw power.

Genetics and Reproduction

When a dragon wants to mate, they send out a signal, calling the nearby destroyer dragons who circle around the lair, shouting their name until the dragon chooses a mate.

Ecology and Habitats

They can live in nearly any environment with a high amount of biological material, although they have a ravenous appetite, commonly eating up all the food in the area and making it uninhabitable.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They need nearly double the amount of food as other Dragons and can eat nearly any biological matter.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Destroyer dragons gain respect with each other through their name. Infighting is highly discouraged, so to determine disputes two dragons will make bets about what they can destroy, although most of them never get tested.


Due to the raw power, they are usually considered too dangerous to take or domesticate, even more so than other dragons, although there is at least one documented record of it.

Facial characteristics

They have slender snouts and thin eyes, their face looking like a solid plate of platinum for a helmet.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Destroyer Dragons live in tropical climates with large amounts of plants and vegetation.

Average Intelligence

They generally are smart enough to gather and remember information, but not necessarily analyzing it beyond strength.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are constantly sending waves of magical power which bounce off objects and provide it with knowledge of the surrounding area.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They aren’t given a name at birth. Instead, they may claim the name of anything they’ve destroyed.

Courtship Ideals

The more powerful the mate, the better.

Relationship Ideals

None. It is considered odd to have any relationship beyond the mating ritual.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most speak both Draconic and Common, although they will learn the language of the area they live in.

Common Etiquette Rules

Not to lie about their names.

Common Taboos

Lying about what they’ve destroyed.


They were created by Geltham to embody the destructive part of magic and were let loose on the world, which didn’t know how to handle dragons, allowing them to settle. After a while, the people amassed enough power to kill many of these dragons. When Fex received her domain many Destroyer Dragons transformed into Fire Dragons.

Historical Figures

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Views any less powerful species as beneath them and as toys to destroy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants
Conservation Status
Endangered due to the single minded destructiveness of the species and mortals hunting them down. They don’t need much protection due to their natural power, and there are few enough groups powerful enough to kill one that their population does not fall or rise.
Average Physique
Very large and muscular.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have silverish-white scales, which look like a suit of armor with interlocking joints.

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