Charming Dragon Species in World of Gods | World Anvil
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Charming Dragon

A type of mischievous dragon who loves talking with people, which conflicts with their love of warmth and dryness. They thirst for conversation, even if it is just a small conversation about how many times somebody skipped a stone today. Different Charming Dragons like talking with different types of people, some preferring children, some preferring mages, and some preferring celestials. Some will even temporarily break criminals out of jail, or sneak in, just to talk to them, then return them to their cell. Some record history for posterity or simply to know they have written it. Some will also write biographies if they find somebody interesting enough. People these include are noble warriors, humble mages, famous inventors, and street urchins who never held more than a gold piece in their life. Sometimes they distribute these novels, but often they can't be bothered to copy them. However, they could not bear to live with people. The exact reason for them turning into Black Dragons is unknown, although it is believed that it is either defiling a memory, forgetting someone, or telling a significant lie.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

When a Charming Dragon mates, in an unknown way, they produce an egg, which they foster for an unknown period together, keeping it warm, which historians believe is the reason they developed their fire breath, and when it hatches they raise together until the child chooses to leave. This is one of the only Dragons that raise their children past birth.

Growth Rate & Stages

It has an unknown maximum growth rate, but it is able to control the rate of its growth. Some records show these Dragons aging backwards, although this is rare, and most of them claim not to know how. This leads to some records showing Charming Dragons with the mental acuity of a thousand year old one, with the body of a decade old one. Their power grows with age, though slowly losing upward momentum.

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer dry and hot climates, like deserts, but this often comes into conflict with the desire to settle by civilization. It sometimes forgoes one of these for the other, but then will eventually either draw humans nearby or dry out the land.

Dietary Needs and Habits

It is known to eat plants, although restrictions to its diet are unknown.

Biological Cycle

If the weather gets too cold to bear, it will burrow to wherever it finds best, either near a heat source or the surface of the sand

Additional Information

Social Structure

Charming Dragons will banter with each other, referencing people it knows until one admits that they are more popular.  In general, the more people they are on good terms with, the higher in the social structure they are, although some exceptions exist where humanoids are universally reviled by a group.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Any usage is very imaginative or specific, as they are neither too powerful, too magical, nor too intelligent.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live mostly near the equator in dry and hot areas like deserts.

Average Intelligence

They are considered one of the least intelligent Dragons, although this doesn't seem to worry it.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

It is unknown how, but they can see in the dark and have an innate knowledge of the immediately surrounding area.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Each day the egg is in development, the parents bounce naming ideas off of each other, some normal names, some based on subtle, maybe personal jokes.  Some names can be paragraphs long, or only three letters.

Beauty Ideals

Scars are considered ugly and ridiculed, with many Charming Dragons viewing them as completely avoidable with conversation.

Courtship Ideals

Courting is expected to include conversations that last days, showing investment, and any Charming Dragon who doesn't spend their time like this is thought to be strange and shunned.

Relationship Ideals

Two Charming Dragons are expected to have the same aged bodies.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Charming Dragons will commonly travel, not placing as much importance in their lairs, and any traveler who comes across a lair is invited inside for hours long conversation, followed by either food or a tour of the area.


Created by Geltham and let loose upon the world.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

They see nearly all intelligent creatures who aren't at war as equal, though they will like creatures who like talking more.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Physique
It is about average in terms of strength, constitution and dexterity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Their scales are a bronze color, some of it looking more green.

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