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Native to the elemental plane of air. This plant spreads vines out in several directions to anchor itself in its location. These vines can reach 500 meters in length to find these anchors. Upon contact the vines will attempt to wrap around the object and if this doesn't work it begins to burrow into the object. Eventually as it thickens it will split even the most durable of rock. This process continues until it creates a sturdy foundation and begins flowering creating new seeds to begin the process again somewhere else. Over time you will have a nest of Ripplevine that has formed clusters between each other.   Creatures need to be careful around Ripplevine during its seed dispersal. The seeds when ready will develope a little needle point. Meanwhile the flower builds an air pocket. The seeds are then launched outward with a loud pop as the air pocket bursts. The needle is there for piercing and detection as soon as it impacts the seed immediately bursts and spreads several vines meant for grabbing onto the object. Entering the next stage of its lifecycle: the sprout.

Basic Information

Growth Rate & Stages

Seed, Sprout, Branchling, Solidifying, Budding, Flowering, Seed dispersal, Hardening

Dietary Needs and Habits

It absorbs light and air through its leaves.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

People have been able to harvest the seeds for Ripple needles that are very durable. Though they must be careful in extraction to not become imbedded with a sprout.   Otherwise the main reason to allow Ripplevine to grow is for Ripplewood. After seed dispersal the vines that are already as tough as normal oak begin to harden. Creating wood that can rival steel when worked correctly. It's called Ripplewood not only for the plant it comes from but also because of the unique rippling pattern throughout the grain caused by the twisting and questing of the vines' growth. Though it takes a practiced hand to know when a Ripplevine is ready for harvest. Thus increasing the rarity of the perfect Ripplewood and price.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Weavers of Fate cultivate the largest known growth of Ripplevine. Otherwise it's difficult to cultivate on the material plane. As it needs several anchor points up to 500 meters away. It needs constantly changing wind to help with growth as well.
300 - 500 years
Average Weight
1-3 metric tons
Average Length

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