Potion of Dragon's Breath, Blue Item in Wildemount | World Anvil
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Potion of Dragon's Breath, Blue

Mechanics & Inner Workings

This potion is crafted using the harvested stomach and gizzard of a fallen blue dragon. Drinking the potion as an action allows you to use an action on your subsequent turns to spew electricity in a 5' by 30' line. The effect lasts for 1 minute. This variety of the potion deals 3d6 lightning damage with the breath weapon, on a failed DEX save (DC 14) or half as much on a success.

Manufacturing process

It takes 7 days, proper materials, and proficiency with alchemist’s supplies to create the potion, requiring 2 hours of work each day in order to prepare it. Failing to tend to the potion causes it to reset, requiring another 7 days to craft. When the potion resets in this way, roll a d20. On a 1, the potion spoils and is lost.
Item type
Consumable, Magical

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