047 • The Longest Rest Report in Wildemount | World Anvil
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047 • The Longest Rest

General Summary

Having just defeated Zeek and his disciples and then Zeek again, The Musical Menagerie find yourselves with magic items and gold aplenty. It's only midafternoon but given the exhausting effects of the region, you decided to post up at the sundial for the evening. Comet, you spent time identifying all of these uncommon treasures the group looted from the place, but you haven't discussed who will claim each thing. Among the items are Zeek's impressive journal and grimoire, a myriad of magical items, and a single non-magical but ancient-looking golden medallion.

Before truly bedding down for the evening, everyone gathered in place except for Comet who was musing off to the side in the trees. I believe it was Ren who spotted a shifting shambling mass of detritus, decayed carcasses, and generally sentient plant life before it completely and fully snuck up on Comet. A fight ensued, and Nixx was heartbroken to find that it was the Shambling Mound he previously "made friends" with even though that mound had said he wouldn't be journeying in this direction.

While Nixx sat to the side, questioning every friendship he's ever forged, everyone took a peek inside Zeek's book. It was locked, but it proved no match for the fortunate Iris. There were arcane spells aplenty accompanied by a plethora of journal entries in various languages, all of which was clearly Zeek's chicken scratch.

Overnight, there was some concern as the form of Nixx shifted into something unseen before, but Iris eased some nerves as she reminded everyone that this is simply a thing that sometimes happens. When "Nixx" was awoken for their watch, they heard a familiar voice from the far side of the sundial, and saw Jynx had stealthed away from the group, sleight of handed the grimoire out of whoever's pack it was in, and invited "Nixx" to read it. They read the strikingly-familiar tome and with a natural 19 on the investigation check, discovered quite a bit of writing. Having spent sufficient time with the book, they returned back to the sleeping party.

Meanwhile, Brandywine had retreated to the rooms beneath the sundial to keep an eye on the frog man in order to ask him questions when he wakes up. In the morning, he does wake up. Brandy, can I have a perception check, with a baseline of your passive perception?

Report Date
05 Jul 2021

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