Zephyrus Character in Wild Adventures | World Anvil
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Zephyrus was born in the small village of Ardeep, located just outside of Waterdeep. As a young boy, he displayed an extraordinary talent for magic and quickly became a prodigy in his community. He spent his youth studying magic and eventually gained acceptance into the famed Blackstaff Tower, where he studied under some of the greatest wizards of his time. During his studies, Zephyrus became disillusioned with the way magic was being used in society. He saw how those in power used their magic to oppress the common people, and he vowed to change that. Zephyrus believed that magic should be used for the betterment of all, not just the elite few.   After leaving Blackstaff Tower, Zephyrus traveled the land for many years, studying magic and seeking like-minded individuals to join his cause. Eventually, he gathered a small group of followers and founded the Arcane Brotherhood.   Under Zephyrus's leadership, the Arcane Brotherhood quickly grew in power and influence. Zephyrus was a brilliant strategist and his knowledge of magic gave him an advantage in battles against the forces of Waterdeep. He was a charismatic leader, inspiring loyalty and devotion in his followers.   Despite his successes, Zephyrus was always haunted by the knowledge that he was using the same magic he despised to achieve his goals. He struggled with this dilemma until his death, never quite finding a satisfactory answer.   Zephyrus's legacy lives on in the Arcane Brotherhood, which continues to work towards the goal of using magic for the betterment of all. His followers see him as a hero and a martyr, and many of them believe that he will one day return to lead them to victory.
Piercing blue eyes that seemed to glow with an inner light
Flowing white hair that cascaded down his back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale and almost seemed to shimmer in the light, giving him an otherworldly appearance
6 feet

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