Social Media of Wild Adventures Technology / Science in Wild Adventures | World Anvil
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Social Media of Wild Adventures

In our fantasy world, there are several equivalents to social media.   One of the most popular is the "Chronicle", a magical book that records the life events of its owner, including their thoughts and emotions. The Chronicle can be shared with others, allowing people to read and comment on each other's experiences.   Another form of social media is the "Dreamnet", a network of dreams and shared hallucinations that people can connect to using magical devices called "dreamstones". The Dreamnet allows people to communicate with others through their dreams, share their experiences, and even collaborate on creative projects.   Finally, there is "Skylink", a magical network of interconnected floating crystals that can transmit messages, images, and other forms of media across vast distances. Skylink is commonly used for communication between distant cities and kingdoms, and is often utilized by merchants and traders to conduct business.

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