Nymara Scheiron Character in Wild Adventures | World Anvil
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Nymara Scheiron

Nymara Scheiron is a powerful sorceress and the current leader of the Arcane Brotherhood. She is known for her cunning mind and her unwavering determination to further the goals of the organization. Nymara rose to power within the Arcane Brotherhood after the previous Supreme Master was assassinated under mysterious circumstances. Nymara is a tall woman with long, flowing silver hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through a person. She is always impeccably dressed in flowing robes of black and silver, adorned with intricate magical symbols. Despite her graceful appearance, Nymara is a fierce combatant and is not afraid to get her hands dirty if the situation calls for it.   Nymara's exact age is unknown, as she keeps her personal life and history shrouded in secrecy. However, rumors suggest that she has been a member of the Arcane Brotherhood for many decades and has been steadily rising through the ranks ever since. She is known to be a master of many magical disciplines, particularly those involving elemental magic and illusion.   Under Nymara's leadership, the Arcane Brotherhood has become more ambitious than ever before. She has been working tirelessly to expand the organization's influence and to gain more power and resources. Despite the danger and controversy surrounding the Arcane Brotherhood, Nymara remains fiercely dedicated to her cause, and will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

Personality Characteristics


Nymara Scheiron is motivated by a desire for power and control. She wants to expand the influence and reach of the Arcane Brotherhood, both within Waterdeep and beyond. She believes that magic is the key to achieving this goal and sees herself as a visionary leader who can guide the organization to greatness. She is also driven by a desire for personal glory and recognition, and sees herself as the rightful heir to Zephyrus's legacy. As such, she is willing to take risks and make sacrifices in order to achieve her goals, even if it means putting the organization and its members at risk.
Lean and muscular build
Piercing blue eyes that seem to sparkle with intelligence and ambition
Jet black and cut short, framing her face in a spiky fashion
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sharp and angular features, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin
Average height
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "Power is everything. Without it, we are nothing."
  • "We must harness the full potential of magic and use it to our advantage."
  • "The weak will always fall to the strong. We are the strongest."
  • "The Arcane Brotherhood will reign supreme, for we hold the power of magic."
  • "Knowledge is power, and we have the greatest knowledge of all."
  • "To fear us is to respect us. And I demand respect."
  • "We are the masters of magic, and none can stand against us."
  • "The future belongs to those who hold the power, and we hold the greatest power of all."
  • "Join us and harness the full potential of your magic. Together, we will rule the world."
  • "The Arcane Brotherhood will stop at nothing to achieve our goals, for we are the chosen ones."
Aligned Organization

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