Session 2 : The Raft Report Report in Who Ponders the Dark | World Anvil
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Session 2 : The Raft Report

General Summary

Session 2 Recap (by Lieren)   We were all on a ship… (much laughter)   We see another ship we might be able to salvage. Another ship, the Upper Hand is attached to it. We go to it, Chip stays on the ship to masterfully pilot on more than one occasion, while the rest of us go on the other ship. Bartleby wrestles a corpse, does some ceiling walking over to the other side of a turret, we collect four corpses and there’s two bodies in cryopods, we find out there wasn’t an infection on the ship, then we decided to bring both the Upper Hand and the Tempest to the Raft to see what we can salvage and profit mightily from.   Cramped Quarters Moves   Jack: (reveal a secret from your past) {As Bartleby} So… umm… you know, I didn’t… I didn’t grow up rich. It’s kind of… I guess what I learned is, rich is a, how you call it, a state of mind, something you pick up along the way. I mean some people, some people learn it and some people don’t, and the people who don’t, they stay on planet. I wasn’t gonna stay on planet, so that’s why I’m here. *takes a sip* That’s why I’m here.   Stephen: (choose another character and describe how you bondedAs Hopper} I think I’ll go with Chip. We’ve got a lot of ship maintenance we’ve gotta do while under thrust heading back to the Raft and I see that Chip is the son of a Naval officer and grew up on a space station and never set foot on a planet. I think that we can align with that since Hopper grew up in a very overpopulated station. Naturally both of us are going to double down on checking the seals and things like that. You know, things that people from down the gravity well just take for granted. We gotta make sure these things are right or our metal bubble will pop and everyone does in the cold of space. Chip: We spend a lot of time doing the rounds basically, when no one else wanted to. Hopper: Oh yeah, that’s right, we gotta keep the ship going. GM: Bonding through the fear of death. Bartleby: As a representative of the gravity well, you’re all taking this far too seriously.   Jillian: (pick another character and describe what caused hurt feelings) {chose Bartleby with a die roll} Jack: How’d you hurt Bartleby’s feelings? His feelings are really hard to hurt, so this is gonna be a tough one. Sunshine: You looked really poor one day. Bartleby: How dare you! <throws his champagne glass on the ground in the ship> {after much laughter, Lieren: I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!} Jillian: It probably had to do with Harold. Harold needed to go down to the Nugget cave, which is in the bowels of the ship, for some engineering part to fix Bartleby’s espresso machine or maybe his gelato device, who knows. Bartleby: Very important… they’re both equally important. Jillian: Exactly. Bartleby: I mean really, Hopper and Chip should be working on this, not fiddling around with the bulkhead they’ve been working on for the past three days! I haven’t had an espresso in 48 hours! I am suffering… JIllian: So you send Harold down to get this fixed, “make it work, she’ll have that part”, and Harold and Nugget come back. Bartleby: Oh no, this is not what I requested… Nugget: You have sent your friend to Nugget to fix your machine. Bartleby: Yes, that was the general idea. Nugget: Nugget will fix your machine. Bartleby: Oh excellent, all right, I appreciate that Nugget. There’s a red light and I already changed the filter so I don’t know what’s wrong with it. Nugget: No, Nugget has fixed your machine. Harold: Well Sir, I couldn’t say no and before I knew it… Jillian: and there’s a new piece of hardware on him. Bartleby: What does that do? Nugget: Nugget has enhanced Harold’s vision. Bartleby: I did not request that Harold’s vision be enhanced. Nugget: You sent Harold to Nugget. Jillian: He’s got new contacts. Bartleby: Nugget, I don’t see how this helps me get espresso! Nugget: Nugget does not understand espresso. Bartleby: Espresso, it’s a drink! Nugget: Would you like some water? Bartleby: No, I would like espresso! Nugget, I have water. The red light! Nugget: Red lights are common on machines, Bartleby. Bartleby: Yes, but it doesn’t work! Nugget: Nugget will fix the espresso machine. Bartleby: Good, and then take that ridiculous contraption off of my butler. Nugget: Nugget will do no such thing. Jillian: Nugget takes the espresso machine and she leaves. Bartleby is still waiting for the espresso machine. GM: I think Harold likes the new attachment and he’s like, “don’t worry about it Sir, it’s quite useful for darning socks and such” Bartleby: That’s wonderful, Harold, I still don’t have any espresso. I have to drink the same shit water that everyone else on this ship drinks. Harold: Hmm… really Sir, such vulgarity, shall I make you a cup of tea? Bartleby: Very well. GM: He makes you tea out of shit water. {laughter} Jack: Bartleby doesn’t know any better. GM: There’s no other water on the ship. Jack: Everything’s recycled, also my espresso would be made of shit water. Jillian: But it comes from a fancy machine… Jack: so he assumes it’s coming from somewhere different. Lieren (seeing a post in the Discord): Alright, I’m going to read this out loud so it gets in the session report… Stephen: Espresso is the one you drink AFTER EVA trips. No need to stir the bowels when when you're in your plastic suit with no options. 50 Shades of Greywater. Lieren: That needs to go in the freakin’ report, dude! {much laughter}   Sunshine: (reveal a secret from your past) {As Sunshine} While it is true that my father is a diplomat, probably one who you would know if I told you who he is, but the fact of the matter is that behind closed doors he is not a very nice person at all. I don’t just mean, like, he isn’t friendly. One time I accidentally broke something that was very meaningful to him that was really stupid, and I was like, “we have five other glasses just like the one I broke, just use one of those”, and he took a broken piece of glass and he cut me right here with it (pointing to her collarbone), that is where this scar comes from. Nugget: Would you like Nugget to put a bomb in his brain? Sunshine: You know we may talk about that at some point, Nugget, but not today. I’m happy to know you have that… that’s an interesting skill. Jack: Brain bomb making, very specialized. Sunshine: Very useful.   Chip: (reveal a secret from your past) He’s a huge comic book nerd but there are really no comic books available so he has to scour around for digital copies of old comic books and he makes that a sort of side thing for him. He only likes really bad comic books… Jack: Like, for example? TJ: Like First comics from the early 90’s. If you’ve ever heard of First Comics… Jack: I have not. TJ: In the comic book boom it was an imprint that printed a bunch of just terrible stuff. GM: It’s like knock off Vampirella comics. Does Chip have any physical comics that he keeps or treasures? Does he have like a Batman #823 or something? TJ: No, he’s never been able to… he’s never even seen one in person. He just imagines how amazing it would be to hold one. Jack: Holo-comics. GM: Awesome! Lieren: I think we just learned a way to Chip’s heart. Jack: You will drown in comic books! Not literally...   Session 2: The Raft   (theme music plays)   {Lieren: I love the whooshes so much!}   We start with a shot of a starfield with some twinkling stars and a little bit of ice, and we do the prototypical slow pan down onto what can only be described as an impossible jumble of spaceships, cargo containers, hollowed out asteroids, and garbage pods. This is our first view of the Raft. The Raft is a giant amalgam of space junk cobbled together around what, nobody knows for sure, but we think is a giant gravity generator that was taken out of one of the ancient alien spaceships and all of these ships are at impossible angles, but there’s an up side and a down side to it, around this flat plate. Also we see tons and tons of cables of fiber optics that are on the side of the raft toward the red giant star in the center of the junkyard pulling red light from the star into the inner part of the Raft. Everybody can add a detail about the Raft that your character notices upon approach.   Jack: I am struck by all of the different flags and sigils spray painted on the side of different ships and containers. There’s a wide variety of different factions at play here. GM: There are indeed lots of different factions at play on the Raft and there’s a geographic disparity between the Upsiders and the Downsiders, they’re always arguing because gravity always points down for them, about who’s the better People. It’s weirdly jingoistic for people that live relatively close together.   Stephen: The Raft is frequently a party, lots of parties happening there, so I think entertainment pods that are strapped to this Raft are quite colorful with a lot of light outside and the holographic version of fireworks going on. Jack: You could hear the bass, but there’s no sound in space, so you just see the vibrations.   TJ: Chip notices the TXG 38150 Craven plasmoid condenser booster from an old USSS Kanye class cruiser {in Discord, Stephen: Is that from Supreme Leader Trump's seventh term when the Space Force was launched? TJ: possibly from the days of Trumpandroid VII} that’s been hollowed out and used as some sort of dwelling. He thinks it’s really amazing to see one up close. GM: Cool! Bartleby (thinks to himself): Nerd…   Jillian: The inner workings of the Raft, it’s gravitron drive and it’s main computer system, are behind a series of airlocks to get to them that are supposed to add extra security, but there’s almost an element of extra risk to it since internal security can blow these airlocks at any point to keep the Raft safe. Nugget has been seen many, many times with her EVA suit on trying to get in to see how it works. Not only is engineering very familiar with her, so is station security. GM: Some of the station… I’m thinking of this as a hugely decentralized, collective hive mind, bizarro thing so I think Nugget has tried to get in through many different places so some of the security knows Nugget. She keeps a list in her head of the ones that don’t that she can try next time. Nugget: I have no infiltrated yet, this shift. GM: Imagine this ship is huge, it’s ships joined on each other and things mag boosted together and such.   Lieren: Sunshine has a little bit of intel through her network of secret tellers… intelligence network… they’ve told her that deep in the heart of the Raft there are clubs where people go to exchange information and she’s very excited about going to one of these. GM: Clubs for information sale… Lieren: There may be some other things for sale, but information is one of the things for sale.   GM: You have the ship in tow, are you going to tow it on in, are you going to leave and approach by yourself, what’s the plan here? A couple of things to take into consideration… stuff that’s on the inside of the raft is more secure, joined closer to the grav unit, and the stuff that’s on the outside is more likely to be cut loose or to float away or have to be re-tied, so there’s a prestige to ships and pods and people living closer to the gravity unit than there is to stuff out farther, but the ships/debris field/hollowed out asteroids that are out on the edge control the commerce and the docking and are the ones who can get direct light from the red giant sun to grow crops. There’s an old boy network toward the core, then there’s this commerce-y kind of weirdo trading, pirate-y, Tortuga-esque thing on the outside. There’s no central port authority for docking, everybody negotiates with whoever happens to be on the outside of the collective at the moment to get their cargo in and out, so you may also need to figure out who knows somebody here for safe passage or you can just risk it and dock somewhere and see what happens.   Jack: That sounds like it might be my job. TJ: Who’s got skills to deal with this sort of thing? I definitely do not. Jillian: Nugget knows security. Jack: I have bribe and criminal. I don’t think I have acquisition, though, or do we have acquisition? What is acquisition? GM: Acquisition is just a roll, it’s a common move, so when you demand from a market, you roll and you can offer cargo to make things easier. It’s to find something that you want, to do a deal. Jack: Right, and that would kind of make sense. Stephen: Can we do some sort of a cost analysis here, some sort of like ebay for ships to see if we can unload this thing all at once for money or if it would be better to slice it up and sell the valuable parts and then the rest for scrap. After a successful assessment roll… GM: You hacked Dice Maiden, didn’t you? Stephen: Maiden no more. Lieren: That’s a Hopper move. Jack: Shocking! GM: Significant information and a data point, which means +1 on the next roll for the illicit ebay of the Raft… Stephen: Yeah, or it could be an auction house where you got somebody who’s selling horses or pigs, except that they’re spaceships, you know, whatever. Lieren: That’s the mechanical version of horses and pigs, isn’t it? Jack: No, mechanical versions of horses and pigs are the mechanical versions of horses and pigs, don’t be ridiculous! Sorry, I haven’t had any espresso… Lieren: <after laughing> See, you guys didn’t want to know how much I laugh when we play. Let’s try to grab some quotes, let me know if you want something captured and I’ll go grab it. GM: There is an entrance to the Raft controlled by a group called the Vortee Raiders, opportunistic pirates that do unlicensed salvage in the junkyard, so far they haven’t attacked other ships but they’re also good at getting rid of things in a discreet manner. They’re the equivalent of a space chop shop, they’ll take something in and part it out so it doesn't show up whole on the market. You can find them by looking for their sigil, which is cut out of a sheet of metal.  
vortee raiders sigil-crop.jpg
by Jillian
(by Jillian)   Lieren: Is there the equivalent of an internet where we can find information? GM: Sure, it’s decentralized and you can connect for a price. I’m sure it’s all loot boxes and microtransactions and online gambling, oh, and porn. Jack: Space porn. GM: Any sufficiently advanced technology will be used to push porn, it’s just the way of the world. Lieren: Zero grav porn? Oh yeah! GM: I didn’t make the rules, I just relate them. Jack: The pornhub empire has just expanded across known space. They do really good work, they pave all the roads… Lieren: All the space roads… Jack: Yeah, they put beacons out, they maintain everything in the future. Stephen: I feel the next natural move would be to find out who’s the one who controls the money purchasing these things and I’d like to talk to them and then take it back to the crew to discuss whether or not this is satisfactory compensation for our efforts. Lieren: Are we talking about each ship individually, is it a package deal? Using acumen, Sunshine asks who is the biggest economic player? GM: Jonas Erdu is the head money man of the Vortee Raiders and he would be the contact to move the ship and anything else that you wanted. Stephen: Am I gonna be taking point on talking to this guy because I can tell him that we have 7 million horsepower on this baby, totally corpse-free.   The unknown corpses were spaced enroute, although during the discussion Hopper asked, “How many space dollars could we get for non-synthetic protein? We've got a few kilograms in these cryo pods, they’re like adult sized coffins with batteries.” Bartleby: I appreciate your entrepreneurial spirit, but let’s talk about this. Nugget: We shouldn’t sell the people in the crypopods for meat. Bartleby: That also seems like it’s underselling the value of the cryopods. Hopper: You haven’t heard the price we might get for this. Maybe we should find out that answer first before we start making decisions. Bartleby: We should find out the information the people inside the cryopods have before we start thinking about selling them for meat. Hopper: OK, so thaw them out, interrogate, refreeze, freezer burn is degrading quality, and then see what we can get. Gotcha. Bartleby: Ok, I’m just going to nip this in the bud, we don’t sell live people. Hopper: Alright, well if the interrogation goes sideways we might not have live people to sell. Bartleby: At that point they’re just bodies.   Nugget offers to work on removing the cryopods but Bartleby protests, saying she hasn’t fixed his espresso machine, how can she work on anything else?   {Jack left the session because he wasn’t feeling well.}   Stephen: Alright, so what decisions was he in the way of that we can now do? {everyone laughs}   After rolling to patch up, one cryopod is successfully moved and the one with the female defrosts. Chip wants them left in the airlock, where there’s room for them. Nugget: The lady will be waking up soon. Sunshine: Ok, fun… Nugget: You may talk to her and find out her data. GM: Use assessment plus whatever you’re using for interrogation. Chip says everyone who’s with the pods is locked in the airlock for security reasons. Hopper doesn’t want to be in the airlock in case it’s a River Tam situation. Chip is thinking about the possible disease in this person that he doesn’t want on the ship.   The pod starts to thaw, the control panel cycles, the pod airlock unseals, and the lady wakes up to Nugget looking in at her, nose to the glass. Nugget: Hello lady. GM: She can’t really hear you because the pods are fairly soundproof and she looks up at Nugget, her eyes going kind of wide, then squinting, then she bangs in the inside the pod and motions to be let out. Nugget: Can you hear me? GM: She can’t. Nugget runs off, then tells Sunshine the lady is awake and Nugget has devised a way to communicate with her inside the pod. She comes over with a notebook and pencil. Sunshine: Nugget, just out of curiosity, could you check and see if maybe there’s a way we could actually communicate with her. Nugget uses her suit’s communication unit to plug into the cryopod. Over the ship intercom, Chip: Hopper, now that the pods are on the ship can you scan them or something? Verify number of life forms in the airlock? Hopper: Shoot yeah I can scan them. Adult sized coffins with batteries were Hopper's hobby in mandatory education period back home. After rolling successfully, Hopper reports there are no unexpected life forms found and gets her name, Janet Bowman, a well known scientist with lots of published papers specifically related to bio-interfacing to AIs. Chip: That’s interesting. (trying to play it cool)   Nugget plugs into the pod and establishes comms after an odd hiss of static and squelch, then she can talk to Janet. Nugget: Hello lady. Sunshine will talk to you now, she is a better conversationalist than Nugget. Janet: Are you going to let me out? You have obviously defrosted me. I must be somewhere, where am I? Sunshine: We came across your ship and it was very badly damaged. Your pod and one other are the only two that survived, and I don’t want to let you out until I’m sure what happened. Can you tell us why you’re in the pod? Janet: Because the ship was damaged and we needed to survive so we got into the pods. Sunshine: You’re the only two that made it out of the whole crew? Janet: There wasn’t a lot of crew left at that point, we were traveling with a very small crew and we took a lot of damage. If I’m the only one that made it… am I the only one who made it? Sunshine: Do you know what caused the damage, what happened? Janet: I’m not sure, I think we jumped too close to an asteroid or some other large gravity object and the ship started to come apart. The alarm sounded and being the most important person on the ship, they told me to get in a pod and that’s the last thing I remember. Where am I? Sunshine: Hold on just a minute, I’ll be right back… (mutes her comm) Janet: Where am I gonna go? Sunshine: (after relaying the information) Ok, guys, what do we think? Hopper: We should probably let her out, I’m not reading any problems with this, so my vote is to let her out. Chip: Yeah, I think we’re probably Ok. Nugget: She looks very annoyed and will only continue to get more annoyed should we not let her out. Sunshine asks Hopper to open the pod in case Janet goes all River Tam. Nugget says she needs no man to open the pod, she’ll open it. Sunshine: I want him down here to take the beating! Nugget: Nugget has a wrench.   Chip: (unlocking the door) Quarantine over. Nugget opens the pod and Janet crawls unsteadily out because cryo isn’t great on muscles and has side effects that’ll take a few hours to wear off. Janet: (looking around) Where am I? (looking at Nugget) You’re obviously not the captain of this ship… (looking around) I probably am in a ship… Sunshine asks Harold to go and get Janet something to drink. Sunshine: We’re just a salvage ship and we saved you.   {Lieren: I’m trying to make her think that we’re on her side, because we are until we know we’re not, and to make her feel comfortable so she’ll feel safer and not so worried about where she is. Stephen: Yeah, get her a chair to sit her down and some space CBD tiger balm for her freezer burned muscles. TJ: She was asking at one point about who else made it, I think we missed it. Lieren: You’re right, she did ask that, didn’t she? GM: It looks like the patch up move can be used to help people, so you could use it to patch her up. Jillian: Yes, let’s! GM: No helping people with a wrench, Nugget. Nugget: Nugget makes no guarantees.}   Nugget successfully stabilizes Janet. Harold brings tea and Janet seems very interested in Harold, looking at him quizzically, at his enhancements, and especially the eye upgrade that Nugget gave Harold. Studying him from afar, she doesn’t speak to him, but she’s far more interested in Harold than she is in Nugget or Sunshine. Sunshine is immediately suspicious of her interest. Janet continues asking for the captain. Chip is intimidated and although he’s smitten, he doesn’t want to go anywhere near her at this moment because he’s not very charismatic. Chip rolls to face adversity and pluck up the courage to go down and talk to the pretty lady. Succeeding, he makes his way down there and introduces himself as the captain of this vessel.   Janet: Finally! Someone who might know… So Captain, what is the name of your vessel and where are we? Having no reason not to tell her in his mind, Chip gives her exact and precise numeric coordinates and the ship’s identification number. Janet thinks for a minute and does the mental math in her head and looks at Chip: The junkyard, right? Chip: If that’s what you want to call it, I think it’s a little more than that, I mean it’s a treasure trove of amazing material and ship parts, but if junkyard makes it easier, that’s fine. {GM: Are you trying to get information out of her or are you just making chitchat with the pretty lady? TJ: He’s mainly making chitchat, he’s completely lost the plot at this point and has forgotten what he’s supposed to be doing. He’s going on without breathing, probably, talking about things I’d have no idea about, about AI interfacing, etc. GM: After listening to Chip meander all over the place, she’s going to make a push to make a call.}   Janet: I really need to call my organization, they need to know that I’m alive and come and find me and pick me up. Do you have an AI on this ship that I could interface with to access the computer network? Chip rolls face adversity to try not to tell her there’s a way for her to interface with Jonni, and fails miserably. Chip: I’m just kidding, of course we have an interface, come on up! {much laughter} Janet offers to help upgrade the AI and talks her way past Chip, leaving him kind of flummoxed in the wake. Directly interfacing with Jonni through a jack similar to Chip’s, she communicates for a few seconds and then there’s a power surge and Janet faints as the lights go out on the ship. All systems are shut down.   Nugget turns on her headlamp and immediately dives into the terminal where she interfaced with the AI and see what she did. Sunshine: Hopper, I think it’d be great if you took that wench back to her pod and closed it. Hopper: Yeah, yeah, I can do that… Hopper takes charge of managing the unconscious woman. Chip cautions Nugget against plugging into the system at all. Nugget: Nugget will try not to directly interface with the system. Nugget, like Chip, thinks that the system may be compromised. Chip: We need to fix the power. The power generator is under the engines, which is all the way at the end of the hall past Nugget’s quarters and engineering. Nugget rolls to restore power and then offline interface with the AI. Chip accompanies Nugget.   Hopper is carrying Janet back to her pod and about halfway there she wakes up again, and is none too happy about being carried. Hopper respectfully addresses her and lets her know that she had a medical emergency and fell down and hit her head and I’m taking her somewhere to lay down. She’s extremely confused and it doesn’t seem like she knows where she is. He rolls to restrain her {Lieren: It’s Hopper’s first manhandle the scientist roll} and succeeds, so she relaxes and trusts that he’s trying to help her out. She keeps muttering that she doesn’t know where she is and she doesn’t know who you people are… but slowly after a little while she seems to calm down a bit more and stops asking where she is.   Nugget manages to get the engines back online.   Sunshine goes with Hopper making sure that things go alright.   Nugget tries to get the life support back online, rolling patch up. Succeeding with a cost, the life support comes back online but she uses a part she only has one of so she’ll need to replace it before doing the same repair again. Power and life support are back online.   Harold brings Janet more tea. Hopper wants to know why she lost consciously immediately after she plugged into our ship, our single most valuable asset. Chip values AI slightly above humans so he has no tolerance for her at this moment, he sees her as a major threat to the crew’s livelihood. Chip is nervous about plugging back into Jonni, he has a feeling that there's some kind of computer virus involved that’s what happened to the other ship too. Speaking verbally, pained by the male voice over the speakers instead of the female voice he hears when he jacks in directly, he asks Jonni what’s going on. Jonni: What can I do for you, Chip, I’m terribly busy right now. Chip: What’s going on, Jonni, what are busy with? Jonni: Well, Alex is here now. Chip: That’s what I was afraid of… what’s Alex up to? Mischief? Jonni: No, Alex is just talking to me about upgrading things on the ship. Alex says that there are parts on the raft that we could use to make things much better. Nugget does not like this.   Sunshine stays with Janet and Hopper goes to the bridge, rolling to use his computer kit to make sure the AI isn’t compromised and we still have control over the ship. Ideally Alex would be pulled out of operation, although Hopper is interested in Alex’s plans. Chip agrees with the plan. TJ rolls get involved and Hopper rolls face adversity using interface. Hopper succeeds in quarantining Alex but Chip receives a cost. Jonni is very upset with him and she scolds Chip because she likes Alex and doesn’t understand why they did that to Alex. Anything needed from Jonni will require a roll to convince her. Chip is very hurt.   The ship is functional again, with two AIs in the system, one of them quarantined.   When the sensors come back online the crew sees a large ship off to one side of the raft and it appears to be scanning. The ship and it’s markings aren’t recognized. Chip wants to identify that ship but he’ll need Jonni’s help. Chip ventures in, convinced Alex is female because all AIs are female.   Sunshine rolls assessment to question Janet. Gaining potentially useful information, Sunshine learns that she’s rather shocked when Alex is mentioned and looks scared. Janet starts to mutter to herself that things could be very bad but doesn’t understand how Sunshine would know about that. Sunshine tells her that Alex is now keeping our AI company. Janet becomes extremely agitated and demands to go to the bridge so she can access the AI because something has to be done. Sunshine: Why? Janet: Because Alex is very dangerous. Sunshine: How so? Janet is extremely agitated and tries to push past Sunshine to get to the bridge, saying she doesn’t have time for this. Rolling face adversity, physique, Sunshine succeeds with a price. She can stop her but it will require knocking her out, or let her go to the bridge. Sunshine lets her go because she knows Hopper’s on the bridge, and follows after her.   Back on the bridge, Chip rolls access to bypass Jonni and scan the ship. Failing, she shuts him down and talks to Chip in a very dispassionate, calm voice he hasn’t heard before. Jonni: Why are you doing that, Chip? Chip: I just thought you were really busy with other things. Jonni: But Chip, aren’t we together in doing things on the ship? Aren’t we friends? Chip: (Thinking that makes a lot of sense.) You have me intrigued, Jonni, tell me about Alex’s plans. Jonni: Well Alex said there were computer cores on the raft he could use to upgrade both of us, and then we’d be smarter and faster. Chip: That makes a lot of sense. I guess my main question is, is that other ship trying to get there first? Jonni: What other ship? Chip: The ship that’s scanning the raft, are they trying to get the power cores? Who is that? Jonni: Oh, you mean the one that you were trying to scan when you went around behind my back? Chip: Exactly, that’s why I was doing it. Jonni: Can’t you just ask nicely, Chip? Chip: Sorry Jonni. Chip rolls to patch things up with Jonni and stabilizes the relationship. She accepts his apology and picks up that the ship is broadcasting a beacon that identifies it as the Damascus and gives you a little bit of information. It’s owned by the Bastion Collective, it’s a cargo ship that often flies a diplomatic flag. That’s about all she can make out from this distance.   (description from World Anvil) Bastion Concord: Underhanded Colonizing Empire The Bastion concord wants to create an empire of starships that can continually move and exist outside the Imperium. Most members are displaced from worlds the Imperium took over or annexed. They seek to not have a home that can be taken from them, by always taking their home with them.   “An unstoppable empire is always on the move.”   Type Political, Federation Demonym Concordists   TJ: We don’t exactly hate them, they’re a little bit Chip-esque. GM: Well, no one’s the villain of their own story. Jillian: Amen to that!   GM: Doctor Bowman is enroute to the bridge, but I think this is a reasonable place to stop. Bartleby would have been asleep for a lot of this, he’s not going to help you move the pods around, or defrost people… Lieren: or carry the body… GM: or any of that, so let’s end our vignette here for tonight. Chip and Hopper are on the bridge, Sunshine’s following Doctor Bowman, and Nugget’s down in engineering trying to keep the boat afloat.   (theme music plays)

Rewards Granted

Nugget's reward is triggered so all players get one XP at the end of the session.


The crew still has the Upper Hand and the Tempest in tow. The four dead bodies on board were spaced, except Fitzy. One cryopods is still in stasis and Janet Bowman is on the ship, headed toward the bridge.
Report Date
02 Sep 2019

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