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26/04/1712 A.S.

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Welcome to Weyard; a world that sits somewhere in history after the supercontinent of Pangaea began to splinter and divide as a result of earthly and cosmic forces. A few continents now drift in a seemingly endless ocean, though two remain connected. The more populated of these two still tethered continents is the northern Angaara.   The humes have been highly successful and feature as a good 80% of Angaara's populace; though there remain small holds and unexplored regions of territory where other races are far more dominant. However, elves have not been seen in living memory, while their language and arcane ways lost to all but the stuffiest of sages and scholars.   Trade and the mapping of Angaara is reasonably well established, despite the lack of a prevailing kingdom or ruler. Most towns and villages are self governed by a mayor/speaker (elected or otherwise), and are fair to each other in trade; though bandits and goblins can still prove troublesome. On the topic of trade of greatest note it the renowned "Silk Route" that connects the fine silks of the Xiao Temple far in the east to the popular and thriving city of Tolbi on the south western edge of the Kangrool Sea, via the bustling town of Anchorage on the sea's northwestern shore.   Goblins are a mutually agreed enemy by all, who are subjugated with extreme prejudice where found. It is understood that if too many collect into a hive or nest, bad things follow...   Many places remain wild and fell creatures are rumoured to lurk in the deep places of the world. Although, there are no dragons; save in stories.

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