Lytran Ethnicity in Westoria | World Anvil
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All Elytrans are female. And their society is divided by a caste system of workers, warriors and royals.
Elytran grow smarter and more complex the bigger their hive is.
Workers are the most numerous and are in charge of the daily functioning of the colony. Their chitin is dark, and they are quite small.   The warrior caste has red chitin, and they are bigger than all the other castes. They are in charge of protecting the colony.   The royal caste. The least numerous of all the castes. Worshipped by all Elytrans, their chiting is a golden hue. They are taller than workers, but not taller than warriors. They also have wings, although they are not capable of sustained flight.
A queen of the Elytrans, unlike all other castes can live for centuries, and they also can communicate telepathically with all their progeny.   Also they all have big butts.


Major language groups and dialects

They communicate through the use of pheronomes.

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