Green King Rank/Title in Westoria | World Anvil
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Green King


Much like during the Great Human-Elven war, before a Green King is raised to the throne, a council is held in which important druids and clan heads vote for the King. However, this soon became merely ceremonial, as almost immediately the candidates began to be chosen from among the descendants of "The Glory of the Morning."

Accoutrements & Equipment

Before it was burned, the Green Kings would wear a crown woven with wood from the High Tree. The crown would be shaped as the horns of a stag, and each day flowers would be woven into it.


During the late stages of the Great Human-Elven war, the sylvan elves had seen half of their lands overtaken by the clans of men. And the woods that they held sacred burned. That is why, despite having lived throughout most of their lives as a small, independent communities, the sylvan elves found themselves in the need to centralize in order to have a far more organized defense against the kingdoms of men. And so, taking inspiration from their enemies, the sylvan elves decided to raise someone to rule them as one. High druids and clans all vied for the title, but it was Astelm, eventually known as "The Glory of the Morning." That would end up becoming the first Green King.
Alternative Naming
Horned King, Stag King
Length of Term

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