Gentleman's Gunnery Building / Landmark in Westmarches Deadlands: Brimstone Adventures | World Anvil
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Gentleman's Gunnery

Gentleman's Gunnery is stocked with fine weapons from Colt, Remington, Gatling, and Winchester, and also includes a few unusual imports from the likes of Enfield Arms in England. It even includes a comic sketch on the wall of a rifle version of the odd firegun developed by the Chinese in 1850 after they discovered their own version of spirit dust. You can buy that sketch done by a gentleman right here in Brimstone, iffin you can’t get your hands on the real thing.   Colt firearms include a finely framed 7.5" Peacemaker hanging prominently over the counter, and an entire shelf arrayed with everything from 3" shopkeeper models to 4.5" gunslingers and 5" artillery models of the Colt. Remington Arms feature a series of long range rifles expressly developed for a selective hunter or army sniper. Winchester and Henry rifles include the rancher's favorite saddle guns in 20" barrel lever action. Uncut and sawed off 12 gauge shotguns stock in the back corner with one fan-barrel sawed off betsy hanging on the wall above the rifle area. All cases are locked.   A small table covered with samples of gunbelts, cleaning tools, saws, and gun parts sits on far away from the counter near the rifles. Several sizes of empty spent cartridges lie on the table along with what appears to be a hand cranked tool that loads materials into a shell. One man runs the counter while one tinkers with the tools, either reloading shells or tuning up guns brought in for work by customers and a third one seems to be overseeing them.   “Howdy. Name’s Cullen Baker. That there’s Erik Ernst. He’s the boss and he managed to bring in a couple items from Europe when he came over here. The technician over there is Carson Hendricks. He hopped on a train out of New York City just to come and see what the wild west was like. And, how might i help you? Looking for the gun that won the west? Or, perhaps somethin a little more long range?”   After a bit of searching, the selective customer might notice in the far corner and made with dark colors, somewhat concealed but highly elaborate and richly inlaid case, with a single Gatling 6 barreled autoshotgun.   Another distinguished and somewhat concealed case contains a pair of Enfield Mark 2 revolvers and a single Enfield army rifle.   A smallish case and table featuring derringers and pepperboxes sits at the far end of the counter
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