Explorer's Society, Brimstone Chapter Building / Landmark in Westmarches Deadlands: Brimstone Adventures | World Anvil
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Explorer's Society, Brimstone Chapter

The Explorer's Society has a large, unmarked building on the west side of Brimstone that serves as their base of operations. The facility has a laboratory, archives, meeting rooms and a lounge with upscale furniture and their own food and beverage service.   They have roughly thirty members, most of them Mad Scientists, big game hunters and otherwise wealthy men with lots of time on their hands. More than half of the Society members are British, and spend most of their time puffing on pipes, drinking spirits and regaling each other with war and hunting stories. Less than a quarter of their time is actually spent on missions searching for “critters” in various parts of New Mexico and the surrounding states. The Society documents many of these critters, but they find much more pleasure in the hunt rather than research. The chapter's current president is August Leighton.   Membership in the society is quite expensive at $100 per month. However, they do often hire outdoorsmen and science-types for assistance on various missions.
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Cover image: Bone Tomahawk Movie
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