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After the First Coming of the Demoni and the big war between them and the Tumularians, lots of young races began to thrive in the ruins of the old world. The ancient troll empires rose and fall, the elves gave birth to themselves, the first humans began to travel around the world creating lots of realms and something happened on the far east, now reduced to a barren land where time, magic and reality starts to fade. Some really powerfull beings took the mantle of guardians of the elements, but one of them, the Patriarch, wanted yo rule the world. After that the Dark Age came and lots of evils walked the lands until the Slave God Hero Arrab, the legendary Saoshyant and first human pyromancer fought against the Patriarch and ended the Dark. The Light returned to the world and the humans, following their immortal king Lucius travelled to the west to the land of Nargai, where the heirs of Lucius would build their kingdoms. But now the Demoni are a menace again. Can the mortal races survive the coming storm?

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