Screaming-Harpies Species in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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Screaming-Harpies, better known as Harpies, are scavenger-birds birds that have been turned into Satanimals. They are incredibly fierce, and are easily identified by their horrific screams, which sometimes signify when a storm is coming. Their Magic Level is Orange, Flank Silver.

Basic Information


In appearance, Harpies are more akin to reptilian vultures or crows than to normal birds. They are shaped like barrels of beer, have jaws which stretch from ear to ear and are full of dagger-like teeth, have blood-red eyes that glow in the dark and red mops of hair. A Harpy is a very strong and agile creature, but not as resilient as it might seem; it attacks by surprise and tries to tear opponents to pieces without giving them a chance to fight back. Harpies require hideouts during the day, often choosing graves in forgotten branches of a crypt.

Genetics and Reproduction

Unlike normal birds, Harpies give birth to live young like mammals. These fledglings are filled with hatred towards all living beings, devouring them without a second thought. The babies only come out on full-moon nights to hunt, fighting with incredible speed and strength. They reach adulthood in 6 months.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Wastelands and deserts

Dietary Needs and Habits

Harpies are scavengers, mostly consuming carrion and whatever they can find. They will sometimes steal and eat the eggs of Lava-Serpents.

Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
70 years
Average Height
4 ft.
Average Weight
190 lbs.
Average Length
1 meter

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