Lich-Golems Species in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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The Lich-Golems, better known as Golems, are a powerful version of the Lich, having been created by the magic of the Mountain-Elves. Their Magic Level is Violet, Flank Silver.

Basic Information


Golems appear as massive physical entities made of thousands of bones. They have thousands of skulls for heads, thousands of bones and appendages jutting out of their rib-cages and are covered in a thick viscous slime that smells like rotting flesh. This slime is flammable and corrosive, causing blades to rust and wither upon contact. The armor of a Golem is impenetrable, and only a powerful Spell might defeat them. Unlike their cousins, Golems can withstand the sunlight.

Genetics and Reproduction

Golems reproduce through "passing" on their spirits into other living beings, turning them into more Golems.

Ecology and Habitats

Dark spaces, cold places.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They, like Lichs, feed on life-force. They also feed on the darkness itself, thus making them incredibly powerful.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Like normal Lichs, they can smell the blood of all living creatures; they can also hear and "feel" when living beings are near. Their powers work best in the dark and cold.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Average Height
4 meters
Average Weight
6 tons
Average Physique

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