Focused-Locusts Species in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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Focused-Locusts are found all over the Hellscapes and sometimes encountered in forests or in meadows, in regions where they find many places to hide. A few colonies can be found in Yip. Their Magic Level is Orange, Flank Silver.

Basic Information


In appearance, Focused-Locusts are massive locusts with hard chitinous armor covering their bodies. Sticking out from under this carapace are rows of hooked limbs like those of a mantis, which the Focused-Locusts use to snag and slice threats. The creatures are believed to be invincible, as they simply divide into two separate living beasts when cut in half. This process of splitting into two creatures can happen indefinitely, a Focused-Locust can separate itself thousands of times if needed.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce through eggs, which hatch after 2 days.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Deserts, grasslands, forests etc.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Due to their simple nervous-system, they see almost everything as a source of food and will attack and kill any living creature that crosses their path.

Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They are blind, but they sense tremors and vibrations in the air.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Average Height
3 ft.
Average Weight
600 lbs.
Average Length
12 ft.

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