Fairy-God-Monster Species in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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The offspring of Hairy-Fairies turned into Undead, Fairy-God-Monsters (FGMs) are incredibly dangerous even for a skilled warrior to fight. Their Magic Level is Grey, Flank Gold.

Basic Information


These beasts possess huge bulbous bodies resembling rotten potatoes covered in thousands of pale milky eyes. They have swarms of tentacles, although they only use three primary ones when hunting or eating. Only the top part of their bodies and tentacles ever surface above the sewage-pools they live in. When seen out of the sewage, they have fish-like heads and rows of sharp teeth suitable for grinding whatever reaches their jaws. Their tentacles feature spikes that allow them to pull prey into their mouths. When angry an FGM releases a thick stinking grease that smells of burnt clay, rotting meat and cabbage. This grease is incredibly flammable, and is fired in shots from the creature's mouth at its targets like projectiles. The grease is also incredibly corrosive, and can melt through armor and skin easily.

Genetics and Reproduction

FGMs are hermaphrodites that do not need a mate to procreate. They reproduce asexually through clusters of eggs the size of footballs. The eggs hatch rather quickly; in only 24 hours.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Swamps, sewers, wastelands, deserts, pools, rivers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

FGMs inhabit geysers predominantly, feed on sewage, and grow at alarming rates. They are always hungry, so they reach out with their tentacles for living creatures and try to shove them into their huge maws filled with multiple rows of teeth. FGMs are mostly rooted in one place like trees, but can move around if they uproot themselves.

Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Average Intelligence


Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Average Height
10 meters
Average Weight
6000 lbs.
Average Length
30 meters
Average Physique

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