Endless-Serpent Species in Warworlds of Ka'a' | World Anvil
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The Endless-Serpent, a relative of the Colossal-Serpent, is a massive enigmatic beast that roams Yip and the North. Endless-Serpents, better known as Hentopans, have been spotted across Ka'a' rarely, although few who see Hentopans live to tell of their sightings.   Hentopans are said to be a mutated version of Colossal-Serpents.

Basic Information


Hentopans appear as massive reptilian beasts with long dog-like bodies, whip-like serpentine tails and strange snake-like heads with cooked beaks and leathery webbed ears. A pair of small leathery bat-like wings grows from their backs. An odd characterisitc is their muscular clawed hands that resemble the feet of chickens with four stubby toes and blunt nails. Hentopans have an odd habit of biting their long tails over and over, perhaps to sharpen their teeth or provide nourishment when food is scarce. Hentopans are rarely viewed up close, although an old wood-carving done by a wizard known as Luca Sjennis shows a Hentopan in the wild:
by C.S.De Silva (Ken D)
  An odd feature of Hentopans is their ability to expand; when threatened, they will puff up their bodies indefinitely before attacking. This has earned them the nickname of "Endless-Serpents" as they appear to never stop growing when provoked. Hence, it is unknown what a Hentopan's actual length is, as their size keeps fluctuating. People who have seen Hentopans expand have stated different sizes; one farmer said he saw a Hentopan grow up to 2 miles in length before killing a Liger-Hydra, a woman (name unknown) said she saw a Hentopan grow nearly 180 miles in length and width and one man in particular said that he once saw a Hentopan grow long enough to reach the sun.

Genetics and Reproduction

Hentopans lay eggs in pools of mercury, which hatch after 2 years.

Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Deserts, grasslands and forests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hentopans have a strange association with mercury, it is said that they may consume mercury as a dietary need or perhaps even excrete mercury as a form of sweat. Hentopans can be found near massive pools of mercury, where they have been seen hunting ostriches and elephants.

Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Yip and the North

Average Intelligence

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Length

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