Teflal Organization in Wanderlust | World Anvil
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Teflal is directly north of the Veilleos Mountains and rests between Warsu and Thumara. As such, Teflal is made up of mostly grassland with trees seeping in from Thumara and Paida, with more rocky terrain to the south. Unlike Warsu though, Teflal is not known as a major trade country. Instead, Teflal is known for their academics. The Archives major building resides in the heart of the countries capital, Firue. This makes the city an ideal spot for those wishing to learn and harness their talents.


Teflal is a diverse country. Founded on farmland, Teflal's cities have grown beyond just farms. It is a hotspot for creation and development. Anyone with an idea and a dream comes to Teflal to make it a reality. Scholars and craftsmen live within the walled cities of Teflal.
Geopolitical, State
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Subsidiary Organizations
Controlled Territories

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