Rayara Organization in Wanderlust | World Anvil
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Rayara is an eastern country separated from the Osarian Empire by a large river. To its north is Paida and the Veilleos Mountains. Rayara is covered in smaller rivers, think forests, and wetlands on the eastern half and more grasslands on its western half. It's capital is Direside. Direside and Rayara as a whole help regulate inland water travel, especially through the largest river in the continent. Many of the folk in Rayara are used to traversing difficult and wet terrain so they make perfect freshwater sailors and navigators through the dangerous pass. People may stop in the port town of Direside to prepare for the long and dangerous journey insland.   Rayara is lead by Daisha Caress and Enola Caress.
Geopolitical, Country
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Economic System
Gift economy
Official State Religion

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