Lore Character in Wanderlust | World Anvil
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Lore is a Tiefling. She reclusive, but has an incredibly vast amount of knowledge if you are able to find her and her library in the forest of Thumara. Though she studied to become a wizard, she, unfortunately, was kicked out after an accident. That did not stop the eager tiefling from gaining knowledge her own way and by other means.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lore was not a planned birth, in many ways. The most notable is that she was born to human parents. It is believed her mother's sorcerous origin was the reason. Regardless, her parents did their best to raise the young tiefling but when she was more than they bargained for, Lore was taken in by the Archives. For awhile, she was taught the basics of magic and assumed to have similar powers to that of her mother. When that didn't turn out, she dabbled in whatever she could get her hands on.   Lore was not the most careful student though. One day, she knocked down a bookshelf. This turned into a horrible domino effect and destroyed several artifacts in the Archives. She was kicked out at that point. Though now her hunger was awakened. She set up her library in the woods of Thumara. Along the way, someone offered knowledge that changed her. Now, visitors may notice the eyes on her face and limbs that are not simply tattoos but actual eldritch eyes.
Current Location
Pupilless Black (multiple eyes)
Brown, messy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'9" (without horns)

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