Here Were Dragons Myth in Wanderlust | World Anvil
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Here Were Dragons

Once when Nesia was young, it was the home of many vibrant and powerful dragons. From the highest peak to the lowest depth of the ocean, dragons called Nesia home. The world was shaped around the great beasts and as more creatures called Nesia home, the creatures moved the land to give them shelter. Like the tearing of a shirt, the peace was ripped in half as the oldest of the dragons fell. While this dragon had been ill and dying for a long time now, their corpse fell to pieces when they finally gave up. It was a strange occurrence to watch the bones fall as if made of sand. Chunks of flesh fell without an anchor. There was unease among the dragons, a panic. A sickness had long been resting in their bones and flesh and the death of their oldest finally pulled the curtains back to reveal their inevitable future.   These powerful creatures did what they could to prevent their gruesome and ugly deaths but whatever they tried only seemed to make matters worse. One after another, their corpses faded into oblivion. It is believed the last surviving members, desperate to protect themselves, went into hibernation. Only one ever woke back up. Veilleos is the sole survivor of the mass extinction event. An illness had taken hold of the dragons. The land had reclaimed the eternal slumbering dragons making up the Undermora Mountains and the Veilleos Mountains.   When one door closes, another door opens. 

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