Erava Organization in Wanderlust | World Anvil
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Erava is a small country west of the Osarian Empire. Erava was once a part of the Empire but split off and formed its own anarchist state. While there is no formal government in Erava, many people look up to The Blade for guidance or other smaller groups that have formed to help run the country without the heavy hand of a governmental figure.   Due to the freedom and diverse cultures within Erava, there are many small businesses that have popped up. One of which is the famous Siren's Call. This is nothing out of the ordinary as people who could not pursue their dreams in the Empire have begun to explore them here. Farmers turned soldiers turned bakers.


There is no official power structure and they have long banned monarchies. Instead, it has mostly just become a lot of small communities and family systems. They have rejected most hierarchy systems. In times of crisis and violence, most will look toward the local folk hero, The Blade for guidance. The Blade though has rejected any seat of power and while no war is going on, prefers to live in silent retirement.


Erava on 3/4 sides is surrounded by water and fairly close to the dangerous waters of the Dragon Eye Lake. Because of their close location, they are one of the few countries with a positive connection to the waterfolk of Levirai. They help supply seafood and fish to Erava for their promise to keep the water clear of other landdwellers.
Geopolitical, Country
Predecessor Organization
Head of State
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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