Dox Character in Wanderlust | World Anvil
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Dox is a Changeling from Thumara and the current head of state.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

It is believed that Dox was born in the feywild but later abandoned and replaced by a stolen human child. As such, they were raised to be human in the deep woods of Thumara. When their sickly appearance became more evident, Dox’s foster parents took them to see a doctor and that was when they realized that their child had been stolen. Dox’s foster parents decided to keep Dox, unsure what to do with this child, but mourned the loss of their child. There was some resentment between Dox and their parents. This created a gap between them that would never be repaired. As soon as Dox was old enough, they left home. For some time, they acted as a petty thief or an amateur bard. They spoke with many of the common folk and criminals. Eventually, they ended up in jail. This is where things finally started to fall into place for them. Dox was never truly interested in politics but while in jail, they met many people that were often arrested for nothing other than displeasure from the head of state. Dox was frustrated by this knowledge and when they were finally released from jail, Dox started climbing the political ladder. Their lowly connections managed to get them far and eventually they managed to land the top position. Many people in Thumara still do not trust Dox for their changeling history and criminal past. A lot of the older and traditional nobles commonly vocalize their displeasure with a common thief in office, yet the general public has backed Dox.

Gender Identity

Dox commonly presents as female but they don't really identify with any particular gender. Instead, they identify more as gender fluid due to their fluid and ever changing appearance. Dox goes by they/them pronouns but depending on their appearance, he/him or she/her are fine as well. Typically, they don't care about what pronouns are used unless it is used in malice.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

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