City of Atlantis Settlement in Vyrdenheim | World Anvil
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City of Atlantis

Atlantis; A rich city living at the bottom of the sea. Home of the Usurper "Thror", and houses thousands of fish-folk.


The settlement is ruled by an Usurper, being Thror. 
Taxes are low, and resources are high. This is a wealthy country.


Walls are useless underwater, so they're protected via both Thror and the Water Torrents.

Industry & Trade

Most of the Inhabitants don't need to work. The Kingdom has enough wealth as it stands. Most of the wealth comes from not only having a God as their ruler, but also from the slave trade that Thror partakes in.


Sea Trains, Rare Ocean Gems, Piles of Gold, Kyanite, and much more valuable deep-sea resources.


Atlantis was first discovered by Galthyzar. He made a small mental note that this could be one of the places he settles down at, but unfortunately for him, Thror had the same ideals. Thror was much stronger than Galthyzar, so Galthyzar simply didn't see it be fit to fight over such a trivial matter, thus he let Thror keep the location that Atlantas would grow at.


Not only do tourists come to Atlantis to view the wealthy stores and priceless Architecture, but they also come to view the nearby environment. The environment itself was formed by Thror, and it looks almost incredibly futuristic. There's floating islands, essentially everywhere. Atlantis itself is set inside a god-made cave, which is surrounded by floating rocks and stones providing extra defense.


The Architecture of Atlantis consists of a rare resource called "The Ocean's Bliss", or just Kyanite for short. Kyanite is a cold material, but when used properly it can be molded into high-resistance, and high-insulation material that's perfectly used for building.


Simply from being in Atlantis, you can see the sun shining down through the water reaching the Capital. Atlantis itself is surrounded by floating stones, held up by Thror's magic. The nearby environment has an abundance of Coral Reefs and Kelp Forests, along with other visually pleasing sight-seeing environments.

Natural Resources

Stones, Kyanite, Gold and Platinum. Diamonds and Rubies, Fish and Lobster. If you want it, Atlantis has got it.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
"The Kingdom of the Depths"
Related Ethnicities
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Related Materials

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