Dunelord Rank/Title in Von | World Anvil
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Dunelord (Doo-n Lore-duh)


Royal Blood, Blessings from Shai-Barokh


Blood Relation, as well as acceptance of the Barokian faith.


They must be brought before Shai-Barokh, and when the worm consumes the previous Dunelord's corpse, it then creates a magical essence, which must be drank along with water taken from the excrement of Shai-Barokh.


The Dunerlord has a responsibility to keep the worms of the desert away from the cities, and use their power to defend their lands from foreign invasion. In addition, they must control the Bene Gorradim, and eliminate anyting improper.


They must manage the royal logisitc managers, as the kingdom desperately requires food imports to remain alive. In addition, they must produce as many heirs as possible, given that the royal genome causes death in 90% of infants within the first 5 years of life.


You have the wealth and power of the kingdom at your disposal.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A stone tablet from the days of before the 4th demonic incursion is passed down from Dunelord to Dunelord.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Death is required, and the body must be given to Shai-Barokh


It is the only known title to have survived from the 3rd age, and with that comes a great responsibility of knowledge not known to the world.
Nobility, Hereditary
Still Relevant, Under Threat
Form of Address
Your royal highness
Alternative Naming
Duneledd, in the case of a female
Equates to
Chancellor, High Deiter, Gorumblnr Dregshf
Source of Authority
Authorized by Deity
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
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