Warforged Species in Volteria | World Anvil
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We are the warforged. As the name suggests, we were forged for war, and some of our kind continue to seek ways to continue in the steps of their creation. While some of us understand the blessing sentience means for us, like the Dwarves of this realm tha were forged by Moradin, we may of been forged by House Cannith, but that does not mean we can not create our own destiny.     Consider us the same as any other human, we are just adapting to this realm and creating a culture outside of the realms of the war we suffered in Kholveria, although I can only say that for my creation, others continue to be given life in Volkan with the assistance of House Cannith, whether this is a blessing or a curse only time will decide.     Other warforged also descend from the Gith as well, and while this remains unknown to most of House Cannith, we can not put any theories aside of their inclusion, but simply say that warforged exist from that past as well, although I have not met one.     Give us a chance in this realm as we find ourselves, and do not let our creation lessen our sentience- Coin, warforged Adventurer of The Claw.

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