Voira Dragon Wars
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Dragon Wars

Military action


The dragonwars were a violent exchange between two factions of dragons. Those that approved of the human species and those that did not.

When the humanoid races rebelled against the dragons that had been ruling them up until then, some of the dragons took it very badly. Other took it as a surprise as they were not aware humans had enough sentience to want to govern themselves and took it rather well. Not all dragons that approved of humans ruling themselves had good intentions, neither were all dragons that disapproved inherently bad. But in the end, this conflict could not be solved through words alone and the two factions went to war.    The leader of the more violent faction was a white dragon named Fryndress, she was a tyrannical ruler and ruthless wartime strategist. Only when she was banished and sealed, could the approving dragons defeat the opposing army. Fryndress' husband, a gold dragon by the name of Geindo, was innitialy on her side but when the wars started and saw that the human race was dying off rapidly because of the devestation the dragons spread, he feared an extinction. He didnt approve of humans ruling themselves but he didn't want them to disappear. And so he pretended to follow his wife and general while also building bunkers for mankind and hiding them there. Thanks to him, there are still humans on Voira.    The main battlefield for this war was the territory that is now the Kingdom of Lesea. In the west of the country lies a mountain range that is littered with skeletons of dead dragons and is called "The Dragonpeaks" because of it.    It is not certain how long the conflict endured, estimations range from a mere 20 years up to 5 centuries. Most scholars agree that it probably lasted around 200 years. The end of the war and with it the end of the dragon's rule symbolized the beginning of a new era. The most commonly used calendar in Voira is the post-dracian calendar. It is currently the year 4057PD,4057 years after the end of the dragon era.    The time before the war is called the Dracian Era with its years being denominated ID, in drac.

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After the Dragonwars