Syndra van Emrick Character in Voira | World Anvil
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Syndra van Emrick

Archmage Syndra Kaerne Arafir- van Emrick (a.k.a. Vera)


Lady & Lord van Emrick

Lady Viola was an ancient vampire. She was not very powerful and stayed alive by hiding and running away. Her husband Peterol on the other hand was a very strong necromancer. He taught all his children the art of necromancy. He saw the greatest potential out of all her siblings in Syndra. He wasn’t very affectionate and regarded Syndras involvement with the Kanza as a distraction from her studies.    

Vera of the Kanza

The daughter of one of the tribe’s warriors. She was beautiful both in character and physique. A gentle soul, she was to become one of the Kanzan wise women. She was executed when Peterol found out about her relationship with Syndra. Later, Syndra used the name “Vera” for her cover identity in honour of her.    

Rhystel Arafir

An elven wizard that specialized in item creation. He was part of the adventuring party Syndra had joined. He was the only one to remain with her after her vampiric nature was revealed to the group. Rhystel and Syndra got married and lived a quiet life as enchanters until he was assassinated by his former colleagues and Lesean soldiers. His death upset Syndra badly and she vowed to avenge him.  

Amdis Thana van Emrick




Early Life

Syndra was born to a Vampire and her husband. The family’s manor was located in the impressive expanse of the Ay mountain range. Syndra got along very well with the native people of the range. So much so that she adapted the rituals and traditions of the Kanza people, after a while she was granted her own Kanzan name; Otokay which means “Many Deaths” in the language of the ancients. Over the many years she fell in love with one of the women of the tribe, Vera. When her father found out he had her killed. Enraged, Syndra conjured an army of undead, commanded them to destroy the house and fled before the battle had even commenced. This was also the moment she gained her epithet.
“O souls of the damned and wicked, rise and bring misery to this world once more. Heed my every order and and claim this castle’s throne for your queen!”

Adventuring Career




Work as Archmage

Character Location
Current Location
Vera's Veracious Enchantments
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Other Names:
  • Vera (Name of Cover Identity)
  • Otokay (Kanzan Name)
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Blood Queen of the Damned
  • Mistress Necromancer
  • Otatkay
Year of Birth
3471 P.D 586 Years old
Van Emrick Manor
Current Residence
Halls of the Archmage
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations

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