Gladiator Fighting Tradition / Ritual in Voenia1 | World Anvil
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Gladiator Fighting

Gladiator fighting is a common sport in Troiana and has been around for centuries. Two gladiators, strictly men, are forced to fight each other. They will typically fight to the death, or sometimes until one of them admits defeat. Occasionally, this sport determined worthy warriors or even prime warriors. In some fights, gladiators will fight a monster instead of another human. Often, slaves were brought to the amphitheaters as gladiators. Fighters are placed into different classes of skill and experience


Gladiator fighting started in small arenas or even crowds and taverns where bystanders would bet on a winner. The two combatants would fight each other, typically until the death. It grew larger and became an appealing source of entertainment to townspeople and nobility. Several large amphitheaters were established over the kingdom. Over the years the rules of the fighting have been made stricter and deadlier. If someone is to sign up for this sport, it means certain death for someone, nowadays.


Each amphitheater has its own rules but typically the fights will go on until one of the two gladiators have been killed by the other. The reward of a win depends on the amphitheater, but it is typically money. In the Ring of Death the gladiators are given a limited amount of time to kill each other. The winner will be forcibly taken into captivity and will live out the rest of his life as a gladiator. This has yet to be announced illegal.


The gladiators are only men and can be criminals, slaves, or volunteering men expecting victory and wealth. Royalty and nobility are prohibited to participate in the fights. Many commons people visit the amphitheater to rid of boredom and bet on a winner. Royalty and nobility use this as a source of entertainment and occasionally take part in betting on a winner. Occasionally, criminals could win their freedom by surviving for three years.


Depending on the arena, the fights may be hosted everyday or every month. The amphitheaters always have a large stadium of seats. The seating is arranged into different classes for military, nobility, scholars, foreigners, and so on. The podium provided the best of views and the owner of the amphitheater and royalty would be seated there.
Ring of Death

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