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Year 1000 va. (of the Vlom Age)

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Vloms are a unique race, modern descendants of a much older race: the witches, who created the vloms from intermixing themselves with ordinary humans. Witches originated a millennia ago, as an evolved brunch of humanity that slowly differentiated itself into becoming a distinctive humanoid race, with its own sets of peculiar characteristics.   Witches discovered the hidden magic that existed spread across the Earth, as an elemental phenomenon resulting from the interaction between the different "layers" of the universe, in its four fundamental dimensions that craft what is the cosmos, or the totality of the existence. The Material World is constituted of the Biotic and Abiotic existences, each one of them, two of the four dimensions previously mentioned. Apart from the Material World, there is the Spiritual World, divided into its Upper dimension and Lower dimension, the two last divisions of the cosmos.   Everything material exists solely in the Biotic existence. As such, all living creatures with a material form have Biotic elements attached to its matter. In other words, life is the result of the Biotic existence over the Abiotic one. The same goes with magic: it is the effect of the Spiritual World over the Material World, creating specific results and powers that can be manipulated by certain humans (especially witches) trough channelling the Spiritual energy within our Material existence, by bondings with the Espiritual realm, thanks to key spiritual elements, only found in humans, as an exclusive presence of the spiritual realm within the material one.   Once witches became more distinctive and had developed the basis of witchcraft, they started to become more recognizable and capable of further influence in World. The same special gifts that became inheritable and granted them some respect also made them a visible minority, frequently persecuted throughout the world. This helped to establish a common identity and greater union among the global Witch Community, who secretly possessed advanced technology capable of large scale communication and transportation, using magic.   Even though more powerful in its skills, knowledge and technology, witches were unable to hide their identity, making them targets on a global scale that resulted in the increasing isolation of the witches, more unaccultured, enhancing their vulnerability, despite crescent development in knowledge, culture and technology, with some amazing discoveries made thousands of years ago even now not matched by modern society. Each time closer to extinction, witches had a decision to make: wipe out humanity or find a way to permanently isolate themselves from ordinary humans, since the shared existence seemed impossible. As they opted by the second option, in a desperate last attempt to escape their reality, to save the few remaining numbers left on the brink of extinction, around 950 AD, witches transferred their existence out of the abiotic realm of existence, becoming free life-forms unattached to material existence, directly connected to the life, in the form of nature, as part of the intrinsic elements of human and earth life.   This way, they became Elves and other folk creatures, non-humans and apart from our reality, taking with them the abundance of magic that naturally existed in the world, including much of the Higher Magic, the highest and virtually ultimately omnipotent form of magic that made possible their transition from witchy humans into elves. Since them, they mostly have remained apart from the developments on Earth, with little intervention, until now. From the increasing destruction of nature by humans and a greater threat from global warming, events started to catch up once again their attention to some intervention.   However, before leaving humanity behind, sometimes witches intermixed with ordinary humans, what made possible creating a new mixed race: vloms, partly ordinarily humans, partly witches with inherited powers. The polemic vloms' creation, by the Witch Magda, one of the biggest witches of all time, used expressly forbidden dark magic, leaving behind a new race of magic humans that, because are less powerful, have better integrated into Human world and continue to exist among us to this day, organized in secret societies, divided into 10 different Clans remaining around the world, 4 of the clans even subdivided into two different ethnicities within the same clan, resulting in 14 vlom peoples. Different from witches, vloms cannot intermix with ordinary humans, since the reproduction between them was made irreversibly impossible.   Since the beginning of their creation, each clan had a specific phenotype and geographical area of occurrence. With time, the clans developed its own specific characteristics, cultures, histories and identities. Intermarriage between clans has been very rare, not only because of rivalries and social stigmas concerning lasting disincentive towards it but as much result of distance, lack of close contact until the XVI century and a real biological component that diminishes the fertility of intermarried couples, in all making cross reproduction very hard.   Also, before leaving, witches created an Earth-like parallel dimension for vloms, to exist as its own society within Earth: the Vlom World, a magical and yet material part of the Earth hidden from humanities' sight, despite closely connected to the rest of the World, through portals. Living both among us and in the Vlom World (Vlomnia), the clans have created complex, unique and interesting societies, dealing with its own sets of problems, among them, internal disputes and wars with other races: vampires (ex-vloms that performed dark magic and became a monstrous deviation of the vloms dedicated to evil and death, especially blood and manslaughter) and hunters (humans that became aware of vloms and made their mission to exterminate the vlom race).

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