The Great Faith Organization in Virida | World Anvil
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The Great Faith

Essentially, the Great Faiths, or the Great Fidemes, are willing to work together but each has their own agendas and motivations. Some are more willing to work with each other than others.   All of the large churches act like an alliance of countries, how ever each religion themselves spans many different countries. Once a year they meet to discuss the state of the world and how to fix any world wide problems that arise. The Large Churches, also known as the Great Faiths, don't have to work all together at the same time. Sometimes two churches will work on a specific issue, or all but one will work on something.   Not always so unified. Attempted to destroy the Death Faith (name pending) but once the "One Above All" (name pending) declared unto the Great Faiths that they would now be included in the pantheon of faiths they reluctantly let them in.

Mythology & Lore

At one point all faiths were one faith. There was one God and He alone was worshiped, "The One Above All". Select few special people had been found worthy for more responsibility by The One Above All and were given special powers and were lifted up to heaven to better serve him. They are now worshiped as gods, or like Saints in the catholic church. Each god has their own following which is called a Faith, or church. The larger of the faiths form a special ground called The Great Faiths.

Divine Origins

Not always so unified. Attempted to destroy the Death Faith (name pending) but once the "One Above All" declared unto the Great Faiths that they would now be included in the pantheon of faiths they reluctantly let them in.


Select few people or groups actually worship The One Above All directly. Most people pray to one of the many Saints for divine help.


The Great Faiths

All Great Faiths stem from the One Greater Faith.

Religious, Monastic Order
Alternative Names
The Greater Faith. The Great Faith.

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