Order of The Moon Organization in Virida | World Anvil
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Order of The Moon

Knowledge Domain. Founded by Saint Apella, also known as The Great Sage. Saint Apella was followed by Saint Lokel. The two work together to manage the two tenants of this order: the pursuit and guarding of sacred knowledge, and the finding and protection of hidden, secret, or forbidden knowledge. This faith, or order, specializes in the guarding of sacred knowledge. Many mages come from this faith. Their churches are great, large libraries full of books. Many rouges also work for this order as they pursue hidden and forbidden knowledge only to have the church seal it away.
  Symbol is simply an open book on top of a closed book.
  In opposition with the (Fidem of La Luna) because they seek forbidden, hidden, or secret knowledge.
  Focus on intelligence, learning, illusion, and sacrifice. (Blue Black)
  Arcana Domain: Borrow spellcasting and utility options from the Wizard. Knowledge Domain: Blessed with both magical and mundane knowledge. Trickery Domain: Skilled in stealth and illusion, the Trickery Domain is welcome among a party or rogues, sneaks, and ne'er-do-wells.

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