Kanti Ethnicity in Vionsria | World Anvil
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The Kanti Tribe is the tribe that is focused on trade and economics. 30% of it's population is able to wield either magic, 10% can wield mana based magic, while the majority cannot wield any type of natural magic.


Major language groups and dialects

Most Kanians speak Vionsrian yet there are a few who speak foreign languages as well.

Shared customary codes and values

Kanians value peaceful trade and economics, they often solve problems with words rather than actions. The Kanians are welcomeing to those outside Vionsria even though the other tribes shut themselves of due to the wars that occur.

Common Etiquette rules

Kanians are natural traders and can make a deal or even change it to their needs. They can be polite unless you ruin a shipment of goods, then they will chace you to the ends of the planet.

Common Dress code

Warm clothing that is infused with some runic magic to keep them warm. These outfits are often lines with cotton or fleece and rarely fur.

Art & Architecture

Kanians inspire their arts and archutecture heavily on those of other countries. They will even combine it with the styles of their own tribe or even nearby ones.

Funerary and Memorial customs

When a Kanian dies they are buried close to the place they cared about most and if their is no body to be recovered (due to the unfortunate case of being devoured by ghouls or burned to melted) they will instead bury an object of importance to them.

Common Taboos

Sexual Abuse/Harassment, child abuse, murder, suicide, theft, unfair trades, slavery.


Relationship Ideals

Kanians believe that love should come naturally and be mutual between the pair. Any kind of sexual harassment or abuse is looked heavily down on and will be punished.
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