Church of Chu'Tiar Organization in Vilosher | World Anvil
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Church of Chu'Tiar

Tenets of Faith

Knowledge is Power, in the fight against Evil, I intend to be Well armed The summation of all my days will be in service to the people of Iotrona


That by book or blade, I shall be a boon to the land.


Their worship is in deeds of kindness, much of the gold gifted them by kings and nobles for acts of valour or faith is given to the poor.


The priesthood of Chu'Tiar are known as respected healers and sages. Oftentimes they will have a strong grasp of medicine and the healing arts.   Paladins of the church are often seen suppressing bandit activity and can seem like police forces or specialty troops across Iotrona. The most powerful among them wield soulfire, a radiant empowerment of their abilities.

Granted Divine Powers

Soulfire   Holy Smiting   Dragon's Fire

Political Influence & Intrigue

They have an influence throughout the continent of Iotrona, though they have never laid claim to power.


The Bulwark of Harmony   The Heralds of Gold   Faithsingers

Evil is only as powerful as you allow it to be

Religious, Monastic Order

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