Session 4: Arrival in Braggo Report in Veturoth | World Anvil
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Session 4: Arrival in Braggo

General Summary

The party continues on their journey to Braggo. About a hour out from the city, Emberanne meets a strange man in the wilds while looking for ducks in the forest. He expresses curiosity, and the two get into a somewhat tense conversation that eventually leads to the man introducing Emberanne to his sabre toothed cat, Moony. Emberanne asks about the demon coins, and the man insists they are bad luck and often cause people's deaths, demanding she keep them away from him. Leo soon comes over, and succeeds at petting the cat. Eventually both leave, and the caravan proceeds.

  The party arrives at Braggo about an hour later. When they get to the outer gates at the wooden stockade, they come across a small wooden stall from which a black banner emblazoned with a silver winged shield flies. There they meet a very tall, well built dragonborn named Rhodann whose white scales are all individually armored, and a small, scrawny half-orc named Barik.

  They talk for a bit with Rhodann and Barik, and learn that they are recruiting for a guild called the Silfurvegg--or Silver Line in the common tongue--that specializes in dealing with the undead and demons. Leo asks if joining up would cancel his other adventuring guild membership, but Emberanne tries to trick him into thinking the matter was resolved to save time. Rhodann objects, but things get smoothed over and they all sign up.

  Rhodann leads the party to the headquarters of the Braggo chapter of the Silfurvegg and goes to discuss Leo's membership with the other guild leader. At the HQ, Emberanne learns some new spells, and Azrion inspects the armory racks, seeing that all the equipment is very well made. Having noted the major dwarven presence in the city, Emberanne casts charm person on Azrion and gets him to talk with a dwarven guild member named Vitr, who shows him around.

  After a while, Rhodann returns, and gives the party and assignment to test their worthiness. They need to accompany a scouting party to a castle that was abandoned due to plague about 3 miles out of town and retrieve the armaments located there to help with the war effort. He doesn't expect it to be too dangerous, but warns them that the castle has likely been taken over by someone. He advises the party sleep for the night at the Green Dragon Inn and come back tomorrow.

  Afterwards, Emberanne, Azrion, Pug, Leo and Creed visit Bertha's bathhouse before each going their separate ways to take care of some errands before meeting at the Green Dragon for dinner. Emberanne and Azrion talk about the charm person incident and Azrion's dwarf racism, and he promises he'll keep it lowkey. Emberanne went to investigate the library. Azrion went to look for monasteries and armorer's guilds. Creed went to look for shops. Leo went to look for places to sell off the loot they got from the bandits.

Missions/Quests Completed

Journey to Braggo

Character(s) interacted with

-Captain Rhodann Steelscale - Silfurvegg Captain
-Barik - Silfurvegg recruiter
-Vitr - Silfurvegg member
-Random forest man
Report Date
08 Apr 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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