Dagothir Character in Veturoth | World Anvil
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The Unburdened; The Far-Seeker; The Longwing

Dagothir is the Sevari god of the Great Above, and is patron of all things that traverse the sky. Neither actively helpful nor harmful towards the peoples of Veturoth, Dagothir is a mysterious and uncommunicative god. However, he will offer aid to those exemplifying or pursuing the two chief things he is concerned with: freedom and exploration. As such, many explorers, adventurers and even slaves worship him as their foremost deity. He is said to take the form of an enormous and ethereal bird, with wings like wispy morning fog.

Divine Domains

Sky, Freedom, Exploration, Stars, Space, Clouds, Flying Creatures, Wind

Holy Books & Codes

While Dagothir does not have any official holy books, he does appear in Josbrunar's The Ascent and several other fundamental Sevari tales. Intriguingly, a bird-like figure called Dagðr who is said to control the currents of the sky also appears in the Isjeinr pantheon, and many scholars believe it to be their own interpretation of Dagothir, who, indeed, would look quite favorably on a people as adventuresome and far-travelling as the Isjeinr.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Dagothir's symbol is the top half of a pure white bird, wings spread wide, rising from a jagged bank of fog.

Tenets of Faith

The most official codification of Dagothir's tenets exists on the arch of the Wind's Respite in Fargolnir: "Reach your wingtips into the unknown and break free the tethers that bind." Many followers of Dagothir, particularly paladins, have taken this as a mission to root out Veturoth's underground slave trade, while others have taken it with a sense of civic duty, exploring the far, poorly-known reaches of Veturoth's northern ice fields and expansive tundra, and bringing back maps and tales of strange peoples and creatures.


Though Dagothir does not have any holidays specific to him, his name is often praised on the Day of Shattered Chains, which memorializes the day when the Rakkolv Reach broke free of the reign of the dragon Kyrrangor the Tyrannical.
Divine Classification

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