Tapestry in Veteris | World Anvil
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The original enchanted tapestry was designed and spelled by an elvish individual named Umbra Toldrick. The elf wanted to find a new way to sell and market their family business and weavers and clothing maker. Enchanted tapestries are a pretty common item that are found throughout most markets in Tenebris. An enchanted tapestry will be hand woven with normal threads and string. Usually an image is woven into the center of the tapestry. The designs are very simplistic often being silhouettes of people, places, creatures and objects. After the tapestry is completed the crafter will then hand sew in an incantation along the border of the tapestry in very sturdy thread. This incantation will bring the image in the middle life and it will play out on a loop forever. Often the design will be feature some sort of story, historical moment or legend that plays on loop. If not the tapestry will feature some sort of geometric pattern that will morph into another or vice versa. Some weavers have experimented with different spells to get the tapestry to change color as well. Those tapestries will be more expensive. When Praxism was still allowed to be practiced and worshiped, tapestries would be found hung up in temples as a way of showing off old stories or different natural elements. An example being a tree growing, starting from a simple seed in the dirt rising into a full grown tree and withering back down into a seed once more. Similar spells have also been applied to other works of art like painting or pottery. Some weavers are now trying to experiment with the idea of having dress hemlines or designs on cloaks follow a similar concept.

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