Spell Book in Veteris | World Anvil
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Spell Book


While spell books used to be tied hand in hand with the Praxist religious texts found in every home, after the splintering of government and religion, the traditional spell book ceased to be. Those who wish to use magic or spells, must buy spell notes that are sold and circulated and controlled by the government.   Spell books not immediately burned or destroyed became increasingly rare.  


Spell books that are still around can be found in museums in the capital or be secretly owned by individuals, passed down from either family or friends (as no new spell books are printed/in circulation).   Possession or use of spellbooks outside of pure academia can be charged with treason and serious punishment under law.   Veteris is suspected to have the largest number of unregistered/undocumented spell books with its ancient ties to Praxism and the growing number of illegal practitioners there.  


The oldest of books are big and thick with pages of old spells and incantations tied directly to Praxism. The text is small and handwritten in a cursive style that is almost indecipherable to modern lettering in Tenebris.   The last few spell books made before the ban are much smaller; almost pocket size, as if the last few makers knew tensions were going to spill over.   Most books have a ring of gold foil on the cover and down the spine. There are usually leaves embroidered into the thick binding, representing the region the book was made. These books vary in color but are usually dark, earthy colors.

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